STRONG - being powerful enough to show up, be present and comfortable and secure in your own skin

SENSITIVE - having awareness of yourself, how you act, interact and being able to respond with compassion to others

STIMULATED - having the drive, will and determination to move forward on common and grand scale goals

Enki Stregth 3 Tenets



Intuitive Healing

Intuitive healing is an alternative practice that relies on using the five senses to locate and correct imbalances in the energy flow within the body. Sometimes referred to as insight healing, the practice does not require any invasive procedure.

Energy Healing (Aura and Chakra Healing)

This is one of the most profound and fundamental alternative therapies in alternative medicine and holistic health. The chakras are meridian points that run up and down the body's core and are substantial factors in how you see the world and it sees you.

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a healing practice that activates more life-force energy inside the body to support the body’s ability to heal, align, and repair itself naturally. This healing occurs on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels to bring the entire being into balance. This can be very powerful in moving out energy that does not serve you and bringing positive and abundant light into one’s life.

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